Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Office Development Progress

I looked around Putahi and noticed a lot of traditional house buildings, which also had very hard maneouverability within the building - for example, stairs etc. I decided to approach it from a different way and that I would design an open area where its easy to fly to and congregate - almost no differentiation between a public space and my office.

I decided to start by trying to build a tower. I didn't want to use any of the shapes used usually in buildings - squares, rectangles, domes etc. I decided to use a cone because of it's shape and due to playing around with the controls - I realised that there was a variety of ways to manipulate the cone. Also, I thought a twisting tower with an office at the top would be a viable soloution as an office. Below is the shape that I made via the controls in Secondlife.
I figured there was some potential in this shape, and decided to try make a tower. However, due to Secondlife limiting the size an object could be (10mx10mx10m), the twisting effect I required could not be created. Therefore, I discarded this idea. However, as I was flying around Putahi, I saw some people creating their offices by the mountain side. I decided to do the same. I copied the cone object and duplicated multiple copies and placed them as if they were a tensile structure.
Afterwards, I looked at roofing to try create a small difference between this office and the open space around it. I used the same shape again, as if the mountain was "breaking up".
However, as I walked through my office, I realised that it was very easy to slip off the sides due to the minimum amount of area connecting the cones, and also due to the cone shape. Also it was not very smooth - a lot of up and down due to the edges. To solve this problem, I decided to add semi-circular floors which mimic the shape of my office and so that it could be a platform for my office.

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